What is ATSEC and how it was formed? ATSEC (Action against Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children) Bangladesh Chapter is a non-profit organization and a coalition of 15 NGOs working in Bangladesh for prevention of trafficking in children and women and their sexual exploitation since last few years. It was formed after a consultation meeting held in May 1998, among the members of Save the Children Denmark - Red Barnet Partners Coordination Body (RBPCB) and expert group on the issues of children and women trafficking and sexual exploitation between Bangladesh and West Bengal, India. What ATSEC does? ATSEC works for prevention of human trafficking and their sexual exploitation and discrimination within the country and the region. ATSEC facilitates advocacy, creates awareness and social mobilization, provides technical support, initiates research and programme support activities at the grassroots, sub-national, national and regional levels to resist inhuman and heinous offences like exploitative sexual crime and trafficking in women and children. It also works for capacity building among GO & NGOs, establish contacts and facilitates networking and linkage among individuals as well as organizations concerned in the issue of children and women trafficking and sexual exploitation. How does ATSEC work? As a part of advocacy and create/raise awareness among general people in remote areas within the country, ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter has selected some NGOs at grassroots level willing to work in the same issue through dialogue, exchange meetings, border campaign, training/workshops, rallies and street dramas. ATSEC is organizing a massive information campaign in the 20 district of the country. ATSEC has established a National Resource Centre to promote/educate people disseminates posters, leaflets etc., whoever is/are interested in the issue and to know more about anti-trafficking activities and sexual exploitation in children and women. Through seminars, workshops ATSEC is also working as a programme group to sensitize and mobilize the policy planners of the country. ATSEC has its wide range network within the region. At present there are ATSEC Chapters in West Bengal, Delhi and Nepal. ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter is working as a Regional Secretariat for three chapters in South Asia as well. Under USAID grant and Save the Children Denmark's guidance ATSEC is working closely with The British Council, ECPAT International, ILO, IOM, UNICEF and UNIFEM. ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter is also continuing with awareness raising, research, repatriation, rehabilitation and reintegration programmes through its member organizations. ATSEC Secretariat: House # 30, Road # 9A Dhanmondi R/A Dhaka - 1209, Bangladesh Tel # 88 02 8121176 & 9134155 Mobile # 017104642 (GP-GP), 017810550 (Hotline GP - GP) Fax # 88 02 8121176, 9134155 Ext. 113 E-mail: atsecbd@bdmail.net atsecbc@aitlbd.net atsecrc@agni.com atsecbd@hotmail.com