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Volume 1, Issue 2 April - June 2001 July 2001 From the Coordinator's Desk I am Emranul Huq Chowdhury, Director, United Development Initiative for Programmed Action (UDDIPAN), a member of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter, was given the leadership of Red Barnet Partners Coordination Body (RBPCB) as Convenor as well as Coordinator of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter from 14th May 2001. On behalf of RBPCB and ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Immediate Past Convenor of RBPCB and Coordinator of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter for his successful leadership. In his tenure ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter published an experimental e-Newsletter and it was circulated for your comments and feedback. We are very grateful to all of you for your valuable feedback and inputs. This is the second issue of ATSEC e-Newsletter and we have tried to incorporate your inputs and feedback accordingly. We hope you will find this issue much more interesting. Please send all information regarding Human Trafficking to our Resource Centre either by post or email. Emrannul Huq Chowdhury Editor's Note: It is my great pleasure to put forward the second issue of ATSEC Newsletter. You will be happy to know that there was a big Rally at Joypurhat, which was jointly organized by ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter, Children's Congress and NGO Alliance of Joypurhat. ATSEC also participated in the Cross-border Regional Workshop at Nepal organized by National Network Against Girl Trafficking (NNAGT). Mr. Matthew S. Friedman and Ms. Nishat A. Chowdhry of USAID/Bangladesh had a series of meeting with ATSEC staff members, Data Trek and United Network Limited (UNL). These meetings were so fruitful that we hope in future we can give you more interesting and effective tools for anti-trafficking activities. The database has been installed at the Resource Centre and a 20 minutes Bengali video on "Trafficking" will be produced within a month or two. Ms. Kofi Anan, wife of United Nations Secretary General recently paid a visit to our ATSEC Delhi Chapter member organization Trafficking, Oppression and Prostitution of Women and Children (STOP). A report is available at our Resource Centre. The ATSEC West Bengal Chapter will conduct police training and Sanlaap Executive Director (member of ATSEC West Bengal) visited the Regional Secretariat at Dhaka. End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism (ECPAT) International, Bangkok representative Ms. Chitraporn paid a visit to the ATSEC Secretariat and we hope ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter will get Group Membership from ECPAT soon. So, many things are happening and we shall keep you posted of every activity we know to combat Human Trafficking. All the best. Mizanur Rahman FORTHCOMING EVENTS a) Integrated Social Development Efforts (ISDE), Chakoria, Cox's Bazar is going to organize a discussion meeting with the Muslim Religious Leaders (Imam) on 19th July 2001. b) The next meeting of South Asian Forum Against Human Trafficking (SAFAHT) was scheduled to be held on 14th to 15th June 2001 at Delhi. But the meeting was postponed due to political crisis of Nepal as the participants of Nepal were not in a position to attend. The next date for the meeting will be informed later on. c) Barendra Advancement Integrated Committee (BAIC), Shibganj, Chapai Nawabganj is going to organize another discussion meeting with the Muslim Religious Leaders (Imam) on 25th July 2001. d) ATSEC West Bengal Chapter is going to organize a 2 day National Consultation on "Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children and for Formation of ATSEC State Chapters" on 28th and 29th July 2001 in Calcutta. Mr. Emranul Huq Chowdhury, Coordinator, ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter will attend the National Consultation. Change in Leadership In the last meeting of Red Barnet Partners Coordination Body (RBPCB), held on 14th May 2001 at UDDIPAN, the leadership of RBPCB has been changed. The new Convenor of RBPCB is Mr. Emranul Huq Chowdhury, Director, UDDIPAN with effect from 14th May 2001. He will also be the Coordinator of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter as per the system approved earlier. Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Immediate Past Convenor of RBPCB and Immediate Past Coordinator of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all for rendering their kind support and cooperation for smooth functioning of his responsibilities as Convenor of RBPCB and Coordinator of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter for the last three years (May 1998 to 14th May 2001). He added that under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Emranul Huq Chowdhury, the new Convenor of RBPCB and Coordinator of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter, we shall contribute more for the cause of children and women of our country and ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter will achieve its cherished goal and objectives. He also requested all members to extend support and cooperation to Mr. Emranul Huq Chowdhury. Visit of Phil Marshall: Phil Marshall and Carol Livingstone from UN Inter-Agency Project on Trafficking in Women and Children in the Mekong Sub-region, Bangkok visited Bangladesh from 23rd to 25th April 2001. They had discussion with ATSEC members regarding Returnees Database (Prototype) developed by ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter with the assistance of Data Trek and USAID.
Visit of Joan Kuriansky: Ms. Joan Kuriansky, Senior Policy Advisor of the Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Member President's Advisory Council on Violence Against Women from Washington, D.C. has paid a visit to ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter on 30th May 2001 alongwith Ms. Sita Liane Chakrawarti, Deputy Director & Cultural Attaché, the American Center, Embassy of the United States of America and others. ECPAT International Visits ATSEC Secretariat Ms. Chitraporn Vanaspong, Regional Officer of End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism (ECPAT) International, Bangkok visited ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter on 5th June 2001. Mr. Mizanur Rahman and Mr. Emranul Huq Chowdhury briefly gave an overview of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter. Ms. Salma Ali, Co-coordinator of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter was also present. To strengthen regional networking to combat children and women trafficking ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter has applied for "Group Membership" to ECPAT International. ACTIVITIES of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter Training on "Counselling Skills and Research Methods": ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter organized a training course on "Counselling Skills and Research Methods " from 27th April to 3rd May 2001 at ATSEC training room. The course facilitator was Mr. Tahir Khilji from VISION, Lahore, Pakistan. Twenty (20) participants from 12 different organizations attended the training course. In the closing session of the training course, Ms. Nishat A. Chowdhry, Trafficking and Child Labour Advisor, USAID/Bangladesh, Mr. Dewan Sohrab Uddin, Regional Representative of Save the Children Denmark and Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Project Director, ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter was present and distributed certificates among the participants. Visit of Joypurhat: Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Project Director of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter alongwith Mr. A. B. M. Mobasher Hossain, Mr. Pranab Kumar Nandi, Ms. Samina Atique, Mr. A. K. M. Reazuddin and Mr. Tanvir Aziz went to Joypurhat on 21st June 2001. They visited NGO Alliance of Joypurhat and different organizations to observe their activities on the issue of trafficking and sexual exploitation of children. They also had a discussion meeting with the representatives of those organizations. Another discussion meeting was also held with the children and a children's rally against Human Trafficking was also taken place. A Memorandum was submitted to the District Commissioner of Joypurhat requesting to sensitize Law Enforcing Agencies and aware general communities through govt. initiatives. Meeting with Imams: A discussion meeting held with Religious Leaders (Imam) from Chokoria Thana Headquarters Jam-e-Mosque at ATSEC Secretariat on 19th June 2001. Integrated Social Development Effort (ISDE) Program Manager Md. Gias Uddin and ATSEC Coordinator Mr. Emranul Huq Chowdhury, Project Director Mr. Mizanur Rahman described the activities of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter and its objective. They also sought their cooperation in preventing trafficking. Training on Psycho-social and Trauma Management: Bangladesh Counsellors Guild (BCG) and ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter jointly organized a training workshop on "Psycho-social and Trauma Management" from 29th to 30th June 2001 at ATSEC Training Room. Mr. Atique Sobhan, Secretary BCG facilitated the training workshop. Total 16 participants from 10 organizations attended the training workshop. Mr. Dewan Sohrab Uddin, Regional Representative of Save the Children Denmark and Fund Manager, ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter and Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Project Director of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter was present in the inaugural session. Field Visit of ATSEC Staff The Social Mobilization Officers (SMO), Communication Officer and Audio Visual Officer visited different thanas of Cox's Bazar, Pirojpur, Panchagarh, Chapai Nawabganj, Kushtia, Lakshmipur and Dhaka districts. They communicated with Deputy Commissioner, Police Super, Upazilla Nirbahi Officer, District and Thana Education Officer, Head Master/Mistress of the local primary and high school, Local elites, Journalist and local grassroots level NGOs regarding the issue of trafficking and sexual exploitation of children and women. They also visited those organizations, which were included in the preliminary directory prepared by ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter. Grassroots level activities of ATSEC Art Contest on Anti-Human Trafficking: Children's Art/Painting Contest on Anti-Human Trafficking organized by NGO Alliance of Joypurhat on 21st April 2001 and inaugurated by District Commissioner Mr. Mohsin Ali Sardar (BP), while Joypurhat Municipal Chairman Khandaker Oliuzzaman Alam and Coordinator of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter Mr. Mizanur Rahman were present as Chief Guest and Special Guest respectively. Among other Members of the NGO Alliance of Joypurhat, Information & Communication Officer, Mr. Pranab Kumar Nandi of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter were present. In the afternoon Drama staged by Children from ACD shelter home followed by prize distribution among the painting contestants by Executive Director of ACD Rajshahi and Coordinator of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter Mizanur Rahman. Other News UNESCAP HRD Course: UNESCAP and INCIDIN Bangladesh jointly organized a 10 daylong training course on "Psychosocial and Medical Service for Sexually Abuse and Exploited Children and Youth, in Bangladesh" from 27th March to 5th April 2001 at INCIDIN training room. Mr. Md. Shakil Mansoor, Project Officer and Ms. Samina Atique, Training Officer of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter attended the training course. Say "YES": Global Child Rights Movement: Global Child Rights Movement was inaugurated by Honorable Prime Minister of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina through Say "YES" Campaign which was held on 27th April 2001 where children of ATSEC member organizations participated. Mr. Dewan Sohrab Uddin, Regional Representative, Save the Children Denmark and Fund Manager, ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter, Adv. Salma Ali, Executive Director, BNWLA, Mr. Asgar Ali, Director, BSAF and Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Executive Director, Resource Bangladesh attended the inaugural session. Street Drama on Trafficking: A street drama on trafficking was held at Southern Plaza of the National Parliament Building on 25th May 2001. Representatives from UNICEF Bangladesh and United Kingdom alongwith 200 spectators observed the Drama and the audience committed to work against Human Trafficking during a conversation held between the performers and the audience. The drama was performed by the Children's Drama Group of Resource Bangladesh. Informal Core Group Meeting: On 15th May 2001 the Core Group of UNICEF meeting was held at 10:00 a.m. at ATSEC conference room. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Lila Pieters, Chief Protection Section, UNICEF. The meeting was also attended by the representative of Save the Children Denmark (Red Barnet), Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MOWCA), CARE, INCIDIN Bangladesh, UNICEF, BNWLA, ILO-IPEC, Dept. of Women Affairs and ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter. The Group discussed on the following issues - - Minutes of the meeting held on Child Participation - Minutes of the Sub National Sub Group meeting on National Consultation for Pre Yokohama Regional Conference. The Group discussed on the above mentioned issues and came to decisions accordingly.
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Workshop on HIV and Trafficking: CARE Bangladesh organized a two-daylong workshop on "HIV and Trafficking" from 20th to 21st May 2001 at CARE Staff House. Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Project Director and Mr. A. B. M. Mobasher Hossain, Programme Officer of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter attended the workshop. Mr. Mizan shared the experience of ATSEC in preventing trafficking in children and women. Presentation of ICDDR,B: The Operation Research Project (ORP), a project of the ICDDR,B works in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh and is supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Under the financial assistance from USAID, the ORP of ICDDR,B has made a research on Trafficking of Women and Children in Bangladesh - An Overview". The report includes a discussion on the context of trafficking from the Global, Regional and Bangladesh perspectives. They made a presentation session of their findings at ATSEC Conference Room on 24th May 2001. ATSEC members and USAID personnel were present in the presentation session and gave their feedback and inputs. Symposium on NGO Management Techniques: American Center arranged a Symposium on NGO Management Techniques on 28th May 2001 at CIRDAP auditorium. Ms. Joan Kuriansky, Senior Policy Advisor of the Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Member, President's Advisory Council on Violence Against Women shared her expertise in NGO Management and Ms. Rebecca McDuff, Regional Information Officer, American Embassy, Delhi gave a presentation on Computer Networking for NGOs through creating websites. ATSEC members Ms. Moslema Bari, Mr. Mizanur Rahman and Mr. Emranul Huq Chowdhury talked about new concepts in NGO Management. Regional Workshop: National Network Against Girl Trafficking (NNAGT) a network of 67 NGOs from grassroots to national level actively working in Nepal since 1990 to combat trafficking nationally and regionally. They organized a Regional Workshop on "Strengthening Cross Border Network to Combat Trafficking in Women and Girls from 1st to 2nd June 2001 at Katmandu, Nepal. On behalf of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter, Mr. Mizanur Rahman attended the Regional Workshop. Other participants from India, Pakistan and various concerned NGOs, human rights activists and representatives from related sectors attended the workshop. The main objectives of the workshop were as follows: à To share experience about activities carried out by various Networks and NGOs à To identify the immediate actions needed to be taken by concerned agencies for prevention of girl trafficking in the region à To strengthen the cross border network to combat trafficking Police Management and Human Rights Course: A three months long training course on "Police Management and Human Rights" was held at Police Staff College, Mirpur, Dhaka for the senior level Police Officers. Adv. Shirin Naher of BNWLA, Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Project Director of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter and Dr. Rudaba Khandkar, Programme Coordinator, Concern Bangladesh attended this training course as Resource Persons. A panel discussion on Trafficking in Women and Children; present scenario and measures to be taken to combat it was held on 10th June 2001 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. where the above Resource Persons participated. Seminar organized by BSAF: Seminar on "Role of Civil Society to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor" organized by Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum (BSAF) on 18th June 2001 at Khan Foundation attended by Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Project Director and Mr. Pranab Kumar Nandi, Information and Communication Officer of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter. Seminar on Role of Civil Society to Eliminate the Worst Form of Child Labour Training of Trainers (TOT): Child Development: Coordinated Programme in Preventing Child Trafficking, a project of Bangladesh Govt. organized a training on Training of Trainers (TOT) for Police (CID), BDR, Ansar and Village Defense Party (VDP) trainers from 19th to 21st June 2001 at Bangladesh Planning Academy. Mr. Mizanur Rahman of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter attended the training course on 20th June 2001 as a Resource Person. Workshop by BNWLA: Bangladesh National Women and Lawyers Association (BNWLA) organized one-day workshop on "Prevention of Women and Children Trafficking and Legal Action" on 28th June 2001 at WVA Auditorium, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. Several ATSEC members alongwith Journalists, Advocate and other professionals attended the workshop. Mr. Nazrul Islam of BNWLA presented the present trafficking scenario of the country in the workshop. The workshop came out with numbers of recommendations. Resource Centre Information and Communication Officer (ICO) has collected some reports, periodicals and publications from different organizations as well as from the websites for ATSEC Resource Centre. The Social Mobilization Officers collected some data of victims and it was included in the returnee's database, which was developed earlier. Technical Assistance: During the period Mr. Matthew S. Friedman, Cognizant Technical Officer and Ms. Nishat A. Chowdhry, Trafficking and Child Labour Advisor from USAID/Bangladesh and Mr. Dewan Sohrab Uddin, Fund Manager of ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter reviewed the activities initiated and implemented by ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter and have provided their valuable comments and feedback for future directions. Half-Yearly Information regarding Human Trafficking related issues: (January to June 2001) Rescued by member organizations or others 658 Legal Action (Arrest & Case Filed etc.) by Members or Others 252 Missing 151 Abducted/Kidnapped 110 Raped 207 Raped & Killed 47 Trafficked 5 Sexual Exploitation 55 Suicide due to Rape 8 Case not entertained by Police 15 Punishment Received 62 Source: Media Reports (Five leading newspapers) Request for articles Any member or non- member of ATSEC can contribute articles for ATSEC Newsletter. It may be a case history, event or any information on human trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children. Please send articles to: Editor ATSEC Newsletter House # 30 Road # 9A Dhanmondi R/A Dhaka - 1209 Bangladesh Tel: 88 02 8121176, 9134155 Fax: 88 02 8121176, 9134155 Ext. 113 E-mail: atsecbd@bdmail.net atsecbc@aitlbd.net atsecrc@agni.com